Climate Downscaling for Adaptation Planning in the Souris River Basin
In 2022, the IJC highlighted the need for collaborative efforts in developing bias-corrected and downscaled (i.e., relevant to the local conditions) climate projections across borders. This project aims to improve downscaled climate scenarios for the SRB.
This project aims to provide valuable data for water resources management and adaptation planning in the SRB by generating reliable and robust downscaled-climate change projections spanning the years 2015-2100.
Research Activities
Develop bias-corrected downscaled and disaggregated CMIP6 General
Circulation Models (GCMs) climate variables:
- Focus on the SRB domain, with potential to extend to the North American domain and other transboundary river basins.
- Focus on variables like precipitation, temperature, specific humidity, wind speed, outgoing longwave radiation, incoming shortwave radiation, and barometric pressure.
- Generate sub-daily data from 2015-2100 with a 3-hour timestep based on 12 selected GCMs and three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), i.e., SSP245, SSP370, SSP585.
Assessment and Improvement:
- Identify dataset limitations and enhancement opportunities.